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TO HIS GRACE, GEORGE DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: The unruly steed by laws to tame and ride
Last Line: Your blooming age does yield before your prime.
Subject(s): Fitzroy, George. Duke Of Northumberland

TH' unruly steed by laws to tame and ride;
With graceful course the well-pois'd lance to guide;
In martial sports ever to win the prize;
And troops with skill and judgement exercise:

In a calm breast a warlike heart to show;
To glory friend, to wantonness a foe;
To keep on Passion, Reason's powerful hand;
Over his soul, and self, to have command:

To sport with books, whilst arms aside he lays;
To interweave the olive with the bays;
When tir'd with arts, to tune Apollo's lyre;
To merit honours ere he them desire.

These fruits which others bring with art and time,
Your blooming age does yield before your prime.

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