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STANZAS TO A LADY, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: In vain from clime to clime I stray
Last Line: Which parts, to fall on thee.
Alternate Author Name(s): Bamfylde, John
Subject(s): Love; Disappointment

IN vain from clime to clime I stray
To chase thy beauteous form away,
And banish every care;
In vain to quit thy charms I try,
Since every thought creates a sigh,
And every wish a tear.

Ask, wafting on my plaints, the breeze,
If aught can lend a moment's ease,
Or aught my grief assuage;
Oh! it will tell thee how I trace
With pain each step, each lingering pace,
And think each hour an age.

Yon setting sun, whose placid smile
Shall quickly gild thy western isle,
No pleasure yields to me;
My longing eyes ne'er cease to stream,
To follow every fading beam
Which parts, to fall on thee.

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