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A SECRET SIGH, by                    
First Line: Guilty, guilty, must I crie
Last Line: With such enamouring grace art pleasd to move.
Subject(s): Confessions; Self-criticism

GUILTY, guilty, must I crie;
Or give the Lie
Both to my Self, & Thee
O LOVE, mine onely Deitie.
Thou knowst how I the pretious Bargain stroke:
But now my Vows, & therefore I, am broke.


Vow'd I not, that this my Heart
Should bear no part
In any Joies, but them
Which from thy Fount of Sweetnes stream?
Yet has my foolish Soule been dabbling in
The flattering Delicates of sugerd Brine.


For what else is this Delight
Which day & night
Enchants my Thoughts to dance
In a Vexatious-pleasing Trance
About a Thing which must not, cannot, be;
A Bratt of my fantastick Vanitie?


O I hate the Bratt, bycause
My Love it draws
To its unworthy Self;
And on the lovely-hatefull Elf
My Indignation could I freely poure,
That Spight with genuine Love my heart would store.


Once again, deer LOVE, sett up
My bankrupt Hope,
And broken Heart: that I
With dear & sober ardency
Unto my most inestimable Freind
My wiser Flames may patiently extend.


Thee, who in that Freind of mine
So full dost shine,
May I gaze on alone
With amorous intention:
And not upon that fond & worldly Paint
My vain thoughts temper to adorn my Saint.


So my Vows shall stand, though I
Still magnify
That gentle pretious Soule,
Letting my Meditations roule
In that deer Sphear, where Thou thy Self great LOVE
With such enamouring Grace art pleasd to move.

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