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THE RELAPSE, by                    
First Line: Wert thou not what thou art
Last Line: Sett ope, & bleed out every thing but thee.
Subject(s): Forgiveness; Self-pity; Sin; Clemency

WERT Thou not what Thou art,
O Lord of most unbounded LOVE;
This my rebellious Heart
Durst never prove
So bold as to implore
Thy Pardon any more,
Bycause my Boldnes hath so rampant been
Against thy mighty Mercy to my Sinn.


For have not I again
Resum'd that odious Vomit, which
Of late I did disdain?
Has not the Itch
Of fond Imaginations,
And fruitless Contemplations
Spred its unquiet Taint's unhappy powers
Over my calm & consecrated houres?


Has not my foolish Minde
Foulie misplac'd its Sorrow, and
Been troubled more to finde
Thine angry Hand
Pouring out Vengeance; then
To see my Flood of Sinn,
Whose roaring Waves awak'd thy Wrath, which now
In woefull Streams of Blood about doth flow.


Has not my lavish Breast
Embrac'd my pretious Friend too close:
The thoughts of whome possest
Me so, that those
Which I design'd to be
Attending upon Thee
Were often justled out, whilst thus my faint
Devotions, from my God fell to my Saint.


O mighty Soverain
Of Pittie, Loe my prostrate Heart
Lies trembling once again
Under thy Dart:
Strike, strike, & pierce it by
LOVES healing cruelty;
That by that blessed Wound my Soule may be
Sett ope, & bleed out every thing but Thee.

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