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PSALM 123, by                    
First Line: Unto thee oppressed thou great commander of heaven
Last Line: Whose scornfull misery greatly thy mercy needeth.
Subject(s): Christianity; Zen Buddhism

Unto Thee Oppressed Thou great Commander of heavën
Hev'nly God attending, lift I my earthy seing
Right as a Waiters eye on gracefull Master is holden
As the look of Waitresse fixt on a lady lyeth
So with erected face untill by thy mercy releived
O Lord expecting begg wee thy friendly favour
Scorn of proud Scorners, reproach of mighty reproachers
Our Sprits cleane ruined fills with an inly dolour.
Then friend us, favour us Lord then with mercy releive us
Whose scornfull misery greatly Thy mercy needeth.

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