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HUGH STUART BOYD: LEGACIES, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Three gifts the dying left me, aeschylus, / and gregory nazianzen, and a clock
Last Line: Chime in the day which ends these parting-days!
Subject(s): Boyd, Hugh Stuart (1781-1848)

THREE gifts the Dying left me, -- AEschylus,
And Gregory Nazianzen, and a clock
Chiming the gradual hours out like a flock
Of stars whose motion is melodious.
The books were those I used to read from, thus
Assisting my dear teacher's soul to unlock
The darkness of his eyes; now, mine they mock,
Blinded in turn by tears; now, murmurous
Sad echoes of my young voice, years agone
Intoning from these leaves the Grecian phrase,
Return and choke my utterance. Books, lie down
In silence on the shelf there, within gaze;
And thou, clock, striking the hour's pulses on,
Chime in the day which ends these parting-days!

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