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BUCOLIC COMEDY: EARLY SPRING, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: The wooden chalets of the cloud
Last Line: Beginnings of first earthy things!
Subject(s): Spring

THE wooden chalets of the cloud
Hang down their dull blunt ropes to shroud

Red crystal bells upon each bough
(Fruit-buds that whimper). No winds slough

Our faces, furred with cold like red
Furred buds of satyr springs, long dead!

The cold wind creaking in my blood
Seems part of it, as grain of wood;

Among the coarse goat-locks of snow
Mamzelle still drags me, to and fro;

Her feet make marks like centaur hoofs
In hairy snow; her cold reproofs

Die, and her strange eyes look oblique
As the slant crystal buds that creak.

If she could think me distant, she
In the snow's goat-locks certainly

Would try to milk those teats, the buds,
Of their warm sticky milk -- the cuds

Of strange long-past fruit-hairy springs --
Beginnings of first earthy things!

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